NTP Bug Reporting Procedures

Last update: April 3, 2024 18:24 UTC (fe4830d85)


from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

The rabbit toots to make sure you read this.

Security Bug Reporting Procedures

If you find or suspect a security-related program bug in this distribution, please send a report to security@ntp.org. Please do not contact developers directly.

Non-Security Bug Reporting Procedures

If you find or suspect a non-security related program or documentation bug in this distribution, please send a report to the NTP Bug Tracking System. Bugs reported this way are immediately forwarded to the developers. Please do not contact the developers directly.

You will need to register at https://bugs.ntp.org/ to participate directly in any e-mail discussion regarding your report. If you don’t register and we have questions for you we won’t be able to make progress on fixing your problem. Please directly register on and use our Bugzilla instance to report issues.